it doesn’t have to be this hard

I help anxious and exhausted high achievers who feel stuck or stifled ditch the stress and overwork so you can have a job and a life without burning out.

Navigating High Stakes Interactions like a boss

Free Step-by-Step guide

Hi, I’m Gretchen! Ever find yourself caught in the constant hustle, battling the fear of being unmasked as anything less than stellar? Or maybe you're daydreaming about ditching the tech scene altogether, seeking that elusive sense of accomplishment and appreciation elsewhere?

I get it, I’ve been there. Between the worry and the daydreams, you're stuck in a loop that leaves you stressed and drained. But here's the deal: I'm here to help you break free from the exhausting cycle, shake off that “imposter syndrome”, and carve a path where you not only feel accomplished but also content and at peace - all without changing your boss, job or industry.

Lemme tell you why this work is so important to me >>>

join me


this month

Upcoming Masterclass

feeling accomplished & confident

when you can’t do it all

September 13th @ 11a PT

Live Q&A + Networking

It’s not Just you

September 18th @ 10a PT

October 2nd @ 10a PT

  • Why work with a coach. . .

    Because you’re tired of running on a hamster wheel waiting for an exit ramp that never appears.


    Because it always seems like rest is just around the corner, after x or y or z, but really there’s no point at which you’ll get to slow down.


    Because the stress has you showing up in ways that you feel ashamed about later.


    Because deep down you know that the game isn’t fair, but you still blame yourself for not playing it perfectly.


    Because you ping pong between fear of being exposed for incompetence and fantasizing about leaving forever or burning it all down.


    Because living in these two extremes is untenable - and unnecessary.


    Because at the end of day you just want to feel accomplished and acknowledged and that isn’t too much to ask for.

    Sound familiar? Here’s how I can help >>>

ready to learn more?


  • Intersectional Feminism

    Ever notice how socialization and gender norms stick with us, even in the workplace? Most career advice acts like it's this unbiased bubble, but here, we're diving into the real stuff. Let's focus on what we can control instead of pretending bias in its many forms doesn't tag along.

  • Mindset Work

    This ain’t positive affirmations and power poses. Taking Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) a step further, we're delving into the root cause of why we do what we do. It's not just about thinking new thoughts; it's about transforming how we relate to ourselves and the world to create lives that go beyond what we’ve ever dreamed of.

  • Behavioral Theory

    We're not only about our brains here; we're putting mindset work into action. Drawing inspiration from persuasive design and behavioral economics gurus like BJ Fogg, Dan Ariely, Daniel Kahneman, and Richard Thaler, we're crafting practical plans. It's about making it happen in the real world, consistently and sustainably.


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