You’re ready to be that unapologetic bad b*tch every single day.

You want to shut down your laptop at the end of the day feeling accomplished, be present in your personal life, and not have work creeping into every corner of your existence. You want to be recognized, rewarded, and well-compensated for the career you've poured years into.

But right now, you feel like you're always falling short.

Killing it at work? Then you're convinced you're failing at home. And if things are good at home, your career feels like it's slipping. It’s not just you—50% of women leave tech by age 35, and if you survive that, you’re soon battling rampant ageism.

You’re stuck in a loop of perfectionism, people-pleasing, and self-doubt, and it’s exhausting.

You give and give until there’s nothing left, and still, it never feels like enough. You think there will be a chance to take a break at some point in the future, but the rest never seems to come.

It really doesn’t have to be this way.

Imagine staying in the career you've built without burning out. Imagine setting boundaries without guilt or drama. Imagine showing up confidently, not just on your best days, but MOST days.

I’ve been there. I know how this story goes.

In 2017, I burned out and walked away at the height of my career from a job I was really good at. This is why I became a coach - to rewrite the script. For myself. For you. For every woman struggling. (More about my story here.)

I’ve helped hundreds of high-achieving women break the cycle of stress, exhaustion, and “not-enoughness” and fall back in love with their lives and careers.

Now it’s your turn.

Here’s how we make it happen

  • Stop the Overwhelm

    We’ll shut down those mental loops that keep you overcommitting and overthinking. You’ll reclaim your peace of mind and stop giving a f*ck about things that drain you. (Really!)

  • Set Fierce Boundaries

    You’ll learn to protect your time and energy like the precious resources they are. No more saying “yes” when you mean “hell no.” No more doing it yourself because it's "easier."

  • Step into Your Baddie Era

    Finally, you’ll embody that bad b*tch energy on your best days—MOST days. You’ll show up fully charges, adeptly handling whatever comes your way with confidence.


You can keep twisting and contorting yourself to fit into everyone else’s expectations. Keep saying yes when you want to scream no. Keep procrastinating instead of taking action. Keep being all things to all people, leaving nothing for yourself.

Or you could…

Imagine the extra time and energy you’ll have when you’re not exhausted by overthinking and overworking. Think about how much more money you’ll make when you own your worth, demand what you deserve, and never settle for less.

This transformation is possible for you

Every client I’ve worked with has broken free from this cycle. It’s your turn. Make today the first day of the new you and book your free session now.

I’m available to speak at your women’s group or ERG

You might have questions…

I see you my fellow perfectionists, I see you! 👀

  • Imagine stress-free chat where I do the heavy lifting. No need to prep or have all your issues figured out – I've got your back.

    We'll dive into what's happening in your life, and don't worry, there's zero pressure. I'll get the lowdown on your situation, give you my two cents, and map out a plan to blow your expectations out of the water.

    Now, the tricky part – decisions. I've got you covered. Whether you decide right away or need a game plan, you won't be stuck in decision limbo for days. We’ll cut through the fog and figure out if coaching, my style, and your trust in yourself make this whole thing worthwhile. WhateBook your consult below.ver you decide, I promise you’ll love your reasons.

    Ready for some clarity? Let's do this! Book your consult below.

  • in my coaching, we dive into mindset work or “thought work”– basically tweaking the thoughts that shape how we feel and act, molding them to fit the life you're after. And hey, this ain’t no fluffy affirmations and power poses routine; we're talking about some legit, deep, lasting change.

    I toss in some intersectional feminist vibes too. Let's unpack how the patriarchy and its -isms crew are influencing your feels. We'll tackle what you can control and get you ready to handle the stuff that we can’t.

    Oh, and just to spice things up, I bring in a bit of behavioral psychology. It's like tackling habit change with a sprinkle of magic.

  • I earned my certification as a life coach through from the world’s top training institution, The Life Coach School, studying under its famed founder, Brook Castillo, followed by an Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching under intersectional coaching guru and leader of the feminist mindset revolution, Kara Loewentheil of Unfuck Your Brain. I am also a member of the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching.

    On the traditional education side, I’ve taken extensive gender and ethic studies courses along with earning my MBA at UC Berkeley.

    I’ve also run an organization for women in tech and been mentoring women for the past two decades.

    Learn more about me and why I became a coach here.

  • Mindset work, or thought work, is all about understanding that our thoughts and beliefs shape how we experience life. So, it's not the situation itself but our thoughts about it that stir up feelings, leading to actions we take (or don’t take) and outcomes we see in our lives. In a nutshell, tweak the thoughts, tweak your life.

    We often feel like situations are out of our control, but once we've got the tools to dig into our thoughts and shake things up, we're in the driver's seat. And here's the cool part: it's super powerful, especially for those living in marginalized identities. It's like taking back the reins, kicking those reactive thoughts to the curb, and having the energy to throw down against the systems that are dimming our shine.

  • You definitely don’t need one, but you probably want one. Hiring a mindset coach is like having a perfectly customized-to-your-needs self-help book along with an accountability buddy and an expert guide all in one. Someone who can create a plan just for you, teach you a step by step process to follow, check in on your progress and cheer you on. The reason there are so many life coaches is because there are so many unique life experiences and we each specialize so deeply that you can find one (or more!) for any challenge you’re facing.

  • Therapy's been an essential for me, an incredible tool for healing past trauma and figuring myself out. But, for me, it fell short when it came to tools for steering clear of a future dictated by my past.

    Coaching's all about the present – who you are right now and how your thoughts, feelings, and actions are shaping your life. We dive into those deep-down beliefs about yourself and the world (maybe even some stuff you learned in therapy), figure out if they're lining up with the life you want, and toss out the ones that aren't doing us any favors. Personally, I've got both a therapist and a coach.

    Where coaching and therapy overlap each other is when you're dealing with anxiety, worry, fear, or doubt, aiming to shift your mindset, boost those people skills, set some goals, or amp up your confidence.

  • There are lots of different types of coaches but I can share my experience of what it’s like to work with a mindset coach.

    When we’re working 1:1, we’re really just sitting on the virtual coach together getting curious about what your brain is telling you is true about the world.

    We keep the stuff that we like and we evolve the thinking that is no longer serving us into something that is.

    Check out the video below to learn more about how working with a coach 1:1 absolutely changed my life (and how I wish I hadn’t waited until I burned out to do it.)

Not quite ready to feel better?

No worries! Join our mailing list and we’ll send you helpful stuff and give you early access to lots of free workshops and events until you are!

Gretchen understands the value she can bring to the challenges you’re experiencing. She pushed me to make measurable progress. I was in my own way and she taught me how to take a new approach to change the outcome.”

— Leah K.

What others have to say…

“My one-on-one coaching helped me gain insight into what I had been telling myself about my goals that kept me stuck. The work on over-analyzing and second guessing really resonated with me. The approach and tools she introduced enabled me to move forward. Invaluable experience!”

— Heidi H.

I've noticed such a positive change in all areas of my life - situations that previously would have overwhelmed me are totally manageable now. I'm less anxious (fewer Sunday Scaries), more clear-headed, and able to be more productive both inside and outside of work. I'm so glad I took the leap and worked with Gretchen!”

— Leah m.

“I needed the mindset work Gretchen specializes in to help me understand what it is I really, truly wanted, and how to set up my life to accomplish it. It was about digging deep, understanding my true self and beliefs, and then working through that to both set goals that truly fit with what I wanted and to be able to recognize the mental blockers that were holding me back, along with the tools to overcome those blockers.”

— robin D.

“Gretchen is serious badassery no matter what realm we are discussing. She brings her full self to the table - from hustling startup co-founder/COO/creative maven and to her very real human experiences as a woman who rose out of a trailer park. Her honesty, humor, and brilliance shine through in her coaching that we are all blessed to have. She will challenge and encourage you while you’ll feel as though you’re hanging out with your best girlfriends!

— tina s.

The way that Gretchen deftly weaves in her feminist studies into her mindset work is both unique and invaluable. She helped me uncover a lot of socialization I would have sworn I didn’t have so that I could look at them in the light of day. It was this awareness that allowed me to start making changes that have massively lowered my anxiety and helped me be more present in my daily life.”

— amy w.