

& reignite your fire

free masterclass

Friday october 11th @ 11a PT

Register for our free masterclass!

Tired of being tired?

In just one hour, you’ll learn how to kick burnout to the curb and reclaim the energy you deserve.

You’re smart, driven, and capable of so much more than this.

Yet, here you are—burning the candle at both ends, wondering when you get to feel like yourself again.

Let’s be real: burnout isn’t a badge of honor—it’s a symptom of a system that’s asking too much and giving you too little.

You’ve been taught you need to do it all—and perfectly—or you’re failing.

But that’s a lie, and it’s keeping you stuck.

It’s time to stop playing by those rules and rewrite the game for yourself.

>>>Register now

  • step 1: Register for the masterclass

  • step 2: Join the Slack community

  • step 3: Subscribe to our calendar

Burnout is robbing you of your spark

It’s time to stop the self-sacrifice and take back what’s yours. Your energy, your confidence, and your joy are not up for negotiation. Period.

I know how frustrating it is to work nights and weekends and still feel behind, I know how hard it can be to be a woman in this industry, to not have your voice heard in the same way as your male counterparts.

Like you, I’ve experienced that feeling when the stress breaks through - I lash out or shut down, followed by the shame and worry that I’ve lost the respect of my colleagues or worse, I’ll be fired.

For many, the stress and exhaustion from the long hours and feeling like your best is never good enough is not worth it. You’re not alone in feeling like you can’t maintain effective boundaries with work and be present with your friends and family.

I’ve helped hundreds of high achievers who felt stuck, stifled or at a crossroads fall back in love with their lives and careers — and I can help you too.

you should be able to have a job and a life without burning out or burning it all down

Here’s what I’m going to teach you how to do:

  • Stop wearing yourself out by worrying about work 24/7. Get your nights and weekends back by turning off the endless loops of what-ifs that keep your overworking and overthinking instead of resting and recharging

  • Have the energy to (finally) set and maintain boundaries. Deal with work without the stress leading you to lash out or shut down and be able to regularly show up in a way that you feel proud of regardless of what goes sideways

  • Be that that bad b*tch that you are on your best days MOST DAYS. Ditch the stress and exhaustion and genuinely believe that your best is good enough so that you can have a job and life without burning out

Monthly Masterclasses

How to find an offramp on the road to burnout

October 11th @ 11a PT


how to not get it all one and still feel great!

September 13 @ 11a PT
