3 easy steps to prioritize you

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I’ve been there…

I've always been that classic overachiever – you know, the one obsessed with getting top grades and all the fancy accolades. It started early, and the idea was that if I just kept hitting those milestones – the next degree, the cool certification, or that impressive title – I'd finally feel like I accomplished something big.

But here's the kicker: no matter how high I climbed, nothing really changed. In fact, some of my worst career moments happened when I was supposedly at the top. Weird, right?

Let's rewind a bit. When I say I grew up poor, I mean government-cheese-and-Pell-grants kind of poor. That background gave me a serious case of imposter syndrome. Imagine me, navigating through swanky insider parties feeling like a statistical anomaly. It was a journey, to say the least.

Fast forward to 2017, I decided to switch things up. I started running an organization for women in tech, dove into countless books, workshops, and certifications in gender and ethnic studies, and then hopped on the coaching train for some personal growth. That transformation was like a lightbulb moment. So, I went all-in and got certified to build an army of kickass individuals who've been underestimated, underpaid, and undervalued.

I founded Unbound & Unbothered and earned my coaching stripes through The Life Coach School and training under the amazing Kara Loewentheil of Unfuck Your Brain. It took me over two decades, but I finally found my groove in and out of the tech world. Now, I'm so flippin’ excited to show you how to do the same in just a few months!

I will share with you everything I wish I had known AND teach you the skills you need to thrive. More>>>