seven days to your most audacious goal

Join my FREE Big Scary Audacious Goals Challenge

Starts Sunday, february 4th

Join the 7 days to your big scary audacious goal challenge!

  • step 1: Sign up for the challenge

  • step 2: Follow the super simple process

  • step 3: blow your own mind

at some point in our lives, We stopped dreaming big to avoid DISAPPOINTMENT or failure

The good news is that it is completely possible to go after our goals, big and small, without getting derailed by life or quitting because it feels impossible.

This challenge is for people who know they want more but always feel like it’s never quite the right time.

The challenge includes:

  • Daily LIVE workshops that walk you through step by step (replays available)

  • Private Facebook group for support and answers all of your questions

  • Workbook packed with exactly what you need to have a clear path to your goal by the end of the week

I’ve been there

Looking back, I realize I tend to shake up my life every ten years or so. Whether it’s going all in on a new career direction, going back to grad school, or moving to San Francisco with no friends and $800 to my name, I continually find myself chasing (and achieving) a new dream.

What I’ve learned through all of these major life shifts is how important it is to be so crystal clear on your why and create life-proof action plans so that when life goes sideways - and it always will - you and your dreams don’t take a backseat or fall of the radar entirely. My step-by-step workshop is designed for real people with real lives to make stress-free measurable progress - and achieve more than they’ve ever dreamed possible.

Join the 7 days to your big scary audacious goal challenge!

can this really happen in a week?

  • step 1: Sign up for the challenge

    8 days of bite-sized steps so you can have a life-proof plan for getting to your goals no matter what (or who) comes up.

  • step 2: Follow the super simple process

    Each day I will do a short live session with bite-size steps. Come live for some free coaching or catch the replay.

  • step 3: blow your own mind

    Work on your plan throughout the week or join us for a study hall at the end of the week. End the week being crystal clear on your why along with a concrete, doable plan of how to get there.

Join the 7 days to your big scary audacious goal challenge!

Day 1: How to avoid the most common pitfalls

Before we do anything, let’s get all the common pitfalls on the table and learn how to sidestep them on the road to our big, scary audacious goals. We’ll also cover all the details for the week to set you up for success.

Day 2: Why we’re scared to dream

Ever wonder why dreaming big feels a bit scary? We're digging into the nitty-gritty, exploring how our nervous system and socialization play into it and finding ways to prioritize our needs - without the guilt.

Day 3: How to never give up on anything again

Today's all about making sure you never throw in the towel again—get clear on why your goals matter and fall in love with the reasons you're chasing those big dreams.

Day 4: How to leverage self-doubt

We’re flipping the script on self doubt. Instead of letting it keep us stuck in confusion and indecision, we’re making a list of allllll the obstacles and turning them into our next steps. Ha, brain! Tricked you, didn’t we?

Day 5: How to believe hard no matter what

It's time to believe hard, my friend! This is the secret sauce to achieving big thing. Learn some mindset magic to embracing failure as a key ingredient on the path to your big, scary audacious goals.

Day 6: How to make it doable

Let's make those gigantic dreams feel doable by breaking them down into tiny habits and turtle steps—because big change is just a series of consistent small actions. Plus, we'll plan for real-life curveballs.

Day 7: study hall

Missed a replay? Didn’t complete your workbook? No problem! Join us for a one-hour pomodoro-style coworking session and get caught up in advance of the big final session!

Day 8: this is it! LFG!

This is the last, most important step! We’ve got your back and are going to make sure are you are ready to put it all into action. We’ll also sprinkle in some real talk on staying accountable to your big, scary audacious goals—because you deserve e v e r y t h i n g!

Join the 7 days to your big scary audacious goal challenge!

Getting started feels hard, keeping it going feels even harder

Here’s where we most commonly get stuck:

  • We believe that we don’t know how to do it

  • We think that there’s a magical time at some point in the future where our needs will make the list

  • We stop and start and stop and start and every time it gets harder and harder

And that keeps you from ever getting there and blaming yourself for it.

I don’t want that for you. I’ve helped dozens of women break through all of the confusion, fear and doubt to create easy, doable plans that turn their dreams into a reality while still living their real lives.

This is a FREE 7 day challenge.

When: February 4th - 10th

Cost: FREE